First, The Beatles are awesome. I don't really need to expand on this. We all know it, so enough said. Second, friends and family and coworkers and everyone else are awesome (almost even more than The Beatles). I have had such great support and encouragement from you all this past week and I appreciate it SO MUCH. It's amazing what you can accomplish with a little help from your friends. I've had people offer to go to the ballet class with me. I have a friend that is going to possibly sign up for Weight Watchers with me so we can force each other to go to the weekly meetings and weigh ins. I went to dinner twice this weekend with friends and we went to places with healthier options. I went hiking twice this past week (see pictures below) with a friend. And my friend and I are going to check in each night this next week just to keep the motivation going ALL week long. So, the ground work has been laid, now it's just time to get to work! This last week was good to figure out everything I need to do and when and how I need to do it each and everyday. I also lost 1#, so current weight is 259#. As I said before, slow and steady wins the race and this time I will finish the race because you all are so inspiring and helpful. If you need a little help from your friends to get motivated with something, don't be afraid to ask. If you have such great friends as I do, you'd be amazed at the things they are willing to do to help support you. Thank you thank you thank you!
These are both from a hike that I took with Angie to The Living Room. The hike itself wasn't the prettiest except for the VIEW! Hiking this last week has made me appreciate living in such a beautiful place. Sorry the pictures are blurry, they were taken with my phone. I am red in the picture from exhaustion (it was HOT!) and the sunset.
Hooray! Friends are fabulous!