Week 7 Weight Loss = 1#
Total Weight Loss = 16#
Week 7 % Weight Loss = 0.3%
Total % Weight Loss = 5.84%
So this week was once again a lower weight loss week, which I am okay with. As of Sunday when I peeked at the scale it was looking really really scary. I was actually up on my weight from the week before. That was no good, so I worked out a lot on Monday in hopes of just maintaining my weight. Luckily I was able to drop an additional pound instead. One of the greatest parts of today was that I actually had a double weigh in. Which normally is not a good thing, but it is when you are getting paid money for one of them. My work has a program called Healthy Lifestyles where we track our exercise. The program also involves getting points for doctor visits, dentist visits, wearing your seat belt, and they have random challenges dealing with healthy eating/ exercise. The points that you accumulate equal money at the end of the year. So this year I got a lot of points for all of the exercise that I have been doing, then I got points for losing weight, improving my cholesterol, body fat %, BMI, and improving my blood sugars. So ROCK ON for this competition. Not only is it helping me get healthier, it's also helping me fatten my wallet.
*Disclaimer paragraph: The reason why I didn't lose very much weight during Week 7 is due to lack of exercise. I did not work out on Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday. Friday I just went for a short walk on my lunch break, so I really wouldn't count that either. The reality was that I didn't find time to fit it into my schedule. I had a lot of social activities going on and let my working out suffer. So I still need to figure out how to do both some more. Now onto what I wanted to write about.*
Gratitude. It's always good to list things that you are grateful for. It helps you realize what you already have, when in our world it is so easy to think you need more. I work in a field where I encounter a lot of people with health problems that affect their lives. Today I saw a child who was born with spina bifida and has problems with growing properly, developing, and he can't walk. It was so sad to see his condition, but his attitude was AMAZING for a child so young with so many physical problems. So, I have decided that even though I don't have a perfect body, I want to list 5 things about my body that I am grateful for.
1. I have two feet that I can use on a daily basis, whenever I want. They help me run, dance, jump, skip, zumba, etc, etc. I can paint my toenails fun, funky colors. They look great in almost every shoe out there. And boy do I LOVE shoes!
2. My legs are strong. They support a lot of weight on them on a daily basis but never seem to give out. My legs do burn A LOT when I do hard activities (like a hike) but they get me to where I need to go and they help me burn a lot of calories through the activities I do. I believe my legs are one of the greatest assets to my weight loss so far.
3. I have a healthy stomach that can tolerate a variety of foods. I only have a few select foods that I can't eat without pain. I can enjoy healthy foods that can nourish my body and provide the energy that I need for daily activities and exercise. I don't have to have medications to help me utilize what I eat, I have a good stomach for that. (I work with people on a daily basis who struggle finding foods that won't make their children sick. In the hospital, I worked with people who's stomachs never worked properly, and they had to be fed by tubes, special formulas as adults, etc.)
4. My arms and hands, I don't like how they look (yet!) but they work properly. I use them ALL the time when I am talking. I use them in the "women's only" weight room at the gym to do some of my favorite free weight exercises. They help me look more graceful during zumba class or when I am doing a happy dance at work. My arms carry my most precious belongings. They help me hug and hold those I love and care for. And I rarely ever have cold hands.
5. My neck. My neck has got me through a lot during my 26 years of life. It holds my big head (I had one of the biggest heads in my graduating class when we were measured for caps and gowns. Big head = large brain) on straight during stressful situations. It helps me keep my head up high when I don't succeed to my best abilities when it would be easier to just let my head hang down. My neck supports my head when it wants to float above the clouds on a good day or when I am really happy and excited.
So even though I am trying to improve my body, I have truly been blessed with a wonderful body. I am grateful that I have a body that I can use to it's full potential. I am grateful that my body is endures pain and struggles to help me succeed in my weight loss adventures. I want to treat my body with respect and allow it to be as beautiful as it should be. Why are you grateful for your body? I hope you all can find at least 5 or more reasons why you are grateful for your body. Every body is beautiful in it's own way. We need to embrace that.
Okay enough with the cheesiness, sorry. So it's onto Week 8. Let's see what my body does for me this next week. I'll check back in with you next Tuesday. Good luck in all that you are doing and working on!
The pictures in this post are some of my favorite advertisements from NIKE.